Any team interested in picking up Timmy Chang?

Are there any CFL teams interested in picking up Timmy Chang. looks as though he’s currently available. btw, is it already too late to sign players during this current season? or can teams still pick up players?

I think he’ll be able to help out a CFL team because of the type of offense he played in college.
just curious, what are the average salaries for CFL QBs?, 25000 to 400000........

i think if anyone should get him it should for sure be HAMILTON!! they could use him more then anyone!

Never heard of him.

wow, which QB is getting paid $400K??

Chang was NCAA's career passing leader... and ran the run-n-shoot offense.

it does look like Hamilton could use a new QB. the QBs have thrown more ints than TDs... ouch.

Rickey Ray is getting that.
You do realise its nothing compared to the NFL

I don't know if its Hamiliton that needs him the most. I sure know that we could use him over here in riderville.

sorry not the type for the riders

i don't know who you're talking about, do you mean tommy chong? becasue i don't think he plays football

what about cheech martin?

i dont know.... there both pretty old. plus if they played football that would mean no more Leo on that 70's show

Cheech and Chong sounds exactly what the ridres have?????????

only there called Greene and Crandell

Aman, Anthony Calvillo, Dave Dickenson and Ricky Ray all make 400k$. They are the top three salarymen of the CFL.

As for Timmy Chang, he looks like a Dany McManus to me. He holds records for yardage, but he also holds records for interceptions thrown. His TD to Int ratio is like 1:1.

well... $400K is alot more money than what i make. it's actually quite alot. I believe the NFL rookie minimum salary is $225K, while the minimum for a 3-year veteran is $450K. i'm assuming the minimum for a CFL player is $25K? so i think the average is in the $150-$250K range?

Timmy Chang did throw alot of interceptions in his career. most came from his freshman and sophmore seasons. but he's also 2nd all-time in touchdowns as well. anyhow, i think he'll be an upgrade at the QB position for a lot of CFL teams.

Is Tommy Chong still in jail?