Thyron Anderson is back! and
Notes - Defensive-back Alphonso Roundtree, who spent 2000 and 2001 with the Als, is about to return to Montreal as a free agent. Roundtree has played in the NFL, with Miami, and also has CFL experience with Toronto and Ottawa. ... Quarterback Mike Quinn, who has spent time in the NFL with Pittsburgh, Dallas, Indianapolis, Miami, Houston and Denver, has been added to the Als practice roster. ... Defensive-lineman Alain Kashama, Montreal's first-round draft choice in 2004, has been traded by the Chicago Bears to Seattle. ... CFL Players' Association president Stu Laird conducted his annual information session at Olympic Stadium yesterday with Als players. This is the final year of the collective agreement.
His position escapes me for the moment
Defensive back, he could help, I guess Crutchfield will be back soon and Chapman will dress next game instead of Muhammad. And I believe Nix will dress but not Megna.
Ti-Cats got Roundtree.
As for Roundtree, can't lose what you ain't never had. Cats needed him more anyway.
As for the signing of Quinn, what gives here? We already have two backup quarterbacks who rarely (or, in the case of Roberson, never) get to see any game action, so what's the point?
Tinker, tinker, tinker while the defence steadily heads south. Are Popp and the Don doing their best Caligula imitations, and fiddling while Rome burns?
For heaven's sake light a fire under the defensive coordinator and go back to the high risk high reward defence that stood us in such good stead over the past three or four years. If I see anymore of this horrid three-man rush I'm going to heave..........
ya! als rule :mrgreen:
Thyron is a great receiver. But let's face it we have an overload of depth on offence. We need some depth on defence, I think jim loves receivers