The scheme described by reporters states that players were receiving side payments from third party/numbered companies to avoid cap hits.
If true, this implicates the Wetenhall’s far more than Kavis who was just the “clerk” in making these side deals. Surely no one believes Kavis was taking his paycheck and redistributing it to players :o
Reporters claim that players complained to the league. Well, that would make sense since when the Wetenhall’s bailed on the team, these side payments would have stopped coming in.
Reporters claim that these side payments were made to “long-time players” of the team who would then hand the recipients with their money.
That would implicate a number of players in the fraud.
If all this is true and I suspect it is, the scheme was in place long before Kavis. Keep an eye out on Jim Popp’s fortunes in the coming weeks.
Agreed!! they both learned well from the flat prairies team. Not sure what team that was!!!
I wondered about Adam Bighill’s deal where he was hired by the husband of the Bomber chairman of the Board and announced at the same time and at the same press conference as his new deal with the Bombers was announced.
Sounded to me that he wouldn’t have got the Wellington West position if he had signed in Sask but…
Was told Bo Levi had a similar deal and it was not that uncommon of a thing.Maybe they were talking about the Als.
No, the scheme described by Mathieu Proulx of RDS was supposedly Kavis cutting checks to players who had companies, who would in turn distribute the money to other players.
Kavis wasn’t cutting any cheques, because he has no signing authority to cut cheques. Only financial officials of the company can cut cheques. I think you misunderstand the scheme.
In any event it ends up being the same thing. if they setup numbered companies in players name and the team then cut cheques to these companies to hand out to other players it ain’t any different.
Similar to the Sherman firing, I think it was the right call, just the timing is all screwed up. I’m not sure how Kavis managed to always perform poorly enough at his job that he kept finding promotions, but I gotta give him props I guess. Doing something right if you keep getting yourself raises while accomplishing nothing in each position.
Again, I really think this has been going on for years. Kavis had no authority to cut checks on his own. All the shenanigans going on, the Wetenhalls had to have been involved. What changed, probably, this year, was the league taking over, finding out the financial shambles the team is really in, and needing a scapegoat on whom they could offload all the blame without stink attaching to anyone else. Enter Kavis Reed.
I expect Reed had the authority to contract for “services” … so, hypothetically, if he signed a deal with the third-party company the finance guys would issue payment if Kavis certified services were rendered … players could well already have companies for off-season jobs or some sort of tax purposes.
Basically, we can all speculate as much as we want but until the details come out in some sort of legal proceeding and/or league review it is all just guesses.
Never said it was right, but if you’re going to hold people accountable, start with the people at the top with the most power and money. Then work your way down.
Not sure of the why, and not willing to speculate on any financial issues. From a purely organizational and football perspective, this was long overdue. Firing Sherman a week before the season kickoff was an enormous red flag. Many of the other team-related decisions were horrendous. I’m just surprised and impressed that someone in a position of authority finally recognized that a change was needed, and actually pulled the trigger.
Here’s a suggestion for the Alouettes in their search for a new GM (since their lunacy seems to continue with rumors of player agent Johnathon Hardaway being considered for the position):
Next Tuesday, send team president Boivin to wait outside Calgary’s team office with one of those six-foot golf checks pre-filled with as many zeros as the Als can afford. When he sees the last light go out in the building, hire the next guy that comes through the front door. (Yeah, it might be the janitor, but even the Calgary janitor will be an improvement over Reed).
More likely, it will be one of those dedicated, hard-working, late-hour front office people who are part of an extremely successful lineup.
It’s not that I’m a Stamps fan (I am). I’m a CFL fan first, and I want the best for Montreal. Even those who hate the Stampeders concede that their organization is among the best in the league. So go get one of Calgary’s executives, have them use the Hufnagel method, and rebuild Montreal the right way.
Of course, that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong…