I agree - I am a Tiger Cat fan, but I appreciate good talent like Philpot. i wish him a full recovery. I saw the game that he was injured in and can’t recall him being injured. Does anyone know how it happened?
It was a fairly innocent looking play. Seemed like he twisted an ankle or hurt his foot, but the injury certainly did not look to be season ending at the time. He is a great kid and a talented receiver who will surely be missed.
Hello Tony - you ask a good question - I have no idea how my comment got attached to the Philpot article. This is a question that you need to ask CFL Thread Command. My comment was made to the BC Hamilton article.
Your comment was made in the Philpot thread as you can see. That is where you posted it. There is no mystery CFL action involved. I moved it to the game thread. Sometimes when you start a post in one thread and pause and move to another the thread will jump, but the system will then ask you if you really mean to post in the new thread or in the thread you started the post in. That may have happened. Perhaps you may wish to check the thread you are in more carefully before you hit post going forward.
Thanks for your response - I did go back and check to see where I put my comment - mistakes can happen. However, this is not the case - the Philpot story was nowhere to be found on the front page, nor anywhere else I could look for it. Since I did not read nor write to the Philpot article (as Tony thinks) or go off the front page - the problem belongs to the CFL site.