A Ticat Fans Take on the Lions Sale...or not!

Okay so Mr. Braley is putting his team up for bids.

So? It’s a good finaical move to sell a team when is coming out of the red and making money with a good fan base.

But what’s behind this…(NOTE: THIS IS ONLY SPECULATION) It’s been well rumoured that Braley wants to run the league, so is this move to take the reigns of the CFL or is it something else.

Here’s what I’m wondering.
Braley puts his team up for sale, and then buys the Ottawa franchise. For cheap and builds that team into a money maker.

Why do I say this…well he lives in Burlinton and the team would be close and it just would make for an interesting situation.

Thought I’d pose a quesiton that makes you go HMMMMMMM.

thought the same thing

(plus wouldn't he be the first guy to own three different CFL franchises?)

Here's what I'm wondering. Braley puts his team up for sale, and then buys the Ottawa franchise. For cheap and builds that team into a money maker.
That's strange because that was the first thought I had too.....maybe not such a bad idea?

(I’ll have to inquire about ‘corn on the cob’ suppliers in the Ottawa area too?..):lol:

I know, I know…enough with the corn thingy Mikey…lol

Well I never thought of that ,hmmmm......Bob and Braley sat together at the last game .....ya so?
like they said on laugh in ...veryyy interesting!!!

and it would make him closer to his buddy in montreal...lol

I could see Mr. Braley Running the league.
Buying Ottawa no..

It would fit that he would do this.
I think he would make a fine Commish

Ill second the motion-I could see Mr. Braley Running the league. - if i could :lol:

Ole Turd from BC would have a bird if Mr. Braley or “Bozo” as he calls him became commish :lol:


Okay, so let's say one or the other happened.

Would Braley be the person to take the CFL in an even better direction then Mr. Wright?


If he did indeed buy Ottawa, would he build a winner on and off the field?

I honestly don't know enough of the man's history with the league to comment on my questions.
