A look at all 9 teams' quarterback rooms

The 2024 season was another indicator that who you have behind your starting quarterback is just as important as who you start the season with.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.cfl.ca/2025/01/30/a-look-at-all-9-quarterback-rooms
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Does the already almost legendary, soon-to-be-hall-of-famer, super whiz-kid from Victoria really need a back-up?


Calgary need to keep “Short yardage guarantee QB” Tommy Stevens. Because Walker isn’t proven in the CFL , the Stamps should also sign Shiltz to help Walker, but only for 1 year and as cheap as possible. Shiltz wasn’t very reliable.
I am pulling for success for Rourke and Ford given they are both Canadian, but not when they are playing the Stamps.


Of course he does. He gets injured. Like his brother. Maybe in first game. Who’s gonna be the backup? Brice? Haha.


Every team has solid starting QB. Will be very exciting competitive season in 2025.My Riders, the Elks and the Alouettes have excellent backups in place already but come free agency I’m sure other teams will add a QB I think the Lions and Bombers are teams that are vulnerable as of now at that position


Best position - Sk, Edm - have 2 legit starters with multi-season histories as starters.

Looking pretty good - Ham, Ott, Mtl - have at least 1 QB with lots of CFL experience & multi-year veteran as cushion.

Work to be done - Wpg, Cal. VG starters but no one signed behind them. If Stevens & Streveler are re-signed, backup position still up in the air.

Major questions - Tor, BC. Argos could move up to top tier if they can resign 1 or 2 of their current backups & Kelly is ready to go. BC desperately needs to get a QB with CFL experience who can pass. They need 2 guys.


As QB2’s go in 2025 the top 5 in the CFL are:

  1. Cody Fajardo - Edm
  2. Garrett Shrader - BC
  3. Phillip Walker - Cgy
  4. Dustin Crum - Ott
  5. Taulia Tagovailoa - Ham

The Bombers and Riders are in real trouble if their aging QB’s go down. Argos are in not much better shape. The Als will shift to MBT who will be up and down after Davis Alexander craps the bed.

The Als and Bombers QB situation is so bad that when it collapses it will take at least four to five years, but likely a decade to recover.

I doubt if the Riders resign Shea Patterson. If that occurs he may be the next best QB available Also, if that occurs, the Riders will mercifully have to get a new third and short man Hint: It does not need to be a QB. May I suggest AJ Oulette

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It’s football. You always need backup. It’s good to have in life too.


Just because a guy like Oulette can plow through a pile of firewood like it’s made of soap suds does not mean he can take a snap and time it to grind ahead for a yard, especially when there is hardly any chance he will bounce out to do a sneaky throw, which we see on occasion.

Get a real quarterback for the job on Team Jumbo.

I suppose Ouelette can be on the Mowing Crew for Team Jumbo too to give the quarterback a great shove?


I think everyone has missed my sarcastic point.


I don’t think they all did. For some you have to put some smiley faces behind it. Of course, I did put up multiple ones on on a recent post & it seemed to have missed the point anyway. :yum:


I got the point but as a Lions fan chose to leave it alone.

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You think unknown entities like Tagovailoa, Shrader, and Walker are better #2s than MBT, who won a Grey Cup as recently as 2022? If you think Montreal’s QB situation is bad, you don’t know much about the Alouettes and haven’t been following the team.


I had to reread your post to uncover what I was sure the sarcasm I missed. But apparently you are serious. Other than Cody the other 4 backups are unproven. Although one or two of them at best may turn out to be something, that is pretty well impossible to predict at this time. Schrader #2???

Presently I would place MBT and Maier ahead of them among signed backup QB’s and among unsigned backups would favour Arbuckle, Powell, Masoli, Streveler and Shiltz and perhaps a couple of others ahead of the 4 you list.


(Mod edit-personal insult)

Let’s be clear, the coach’s eyes, the scout’s eyes, the GM’s eyes and the informed CFL fan’s eyes don’t lie.

The reason why Jake Maier isn’t in Calgary anymore is because he sucks out loud. Moreover, he has always sucked and the Stamps gave him a shot to prove he doesn’t suck and he failed. He’s a bust, (mod edit) and that means he is Nick Arbuckle only worse because you bit harder on the hype.

I watched MBT for half a season be the least-gifted and most predictably easy-to-read QB in the CFL in 2024. The fact he has the speed and sense of frozen water to move the pocket makes him vulnerable, but then he locks on and is easy to pick too. MBT is not a pro QB and the fact he won a Grey Cup is a testament to his teammates carrying his sorry ass.

Nick Arbuckle is by far the worst waste of cleats to have ever been in the CFL, (mod edit-personal insult)

Powell is NOT a CFL QB, because you can time him with a sundial. Statue QB’s are passe in pro football. Time has moved on, (mod edit-personal insult)

Masoli is broken and done, if he does come back nobody should let him back on the field for fear of being in a wheelchair.

Streveler couldn’t put together three decent games if he tried.

Shiltz isn’t a nobody he is a never was.

(Mod edit-one more time)

(Mod edit-personal insult)

Quick tell me why, in scouting terms, Montreal has such a great QB room? (Mod edit again) BTW Davis Alexander as a starter is playing WAYYYYYYYYY over his head and it will catch up to him and J Maas knows it, so he went out and got another statue in MBT, who is awful. Then there is Caleb Evans who just throws picks.

Montreal has ZERO talent at QB going into 2025.

OK, got it, thanks for confirming you are definitely not worth replying to.


So you know better than everyone else just cuz?
I guarantee some of those unknowns stay that way after this year.


History is often such that false prophets will brag after weeks, months, or years how small bits of the mud that they threw all over walls is still stuck on them.

I’ve seen this horse ride many times before.

Yep. But on a positive note, this was a fun occasion to see a decade ago, wow the years have gone by, and maybe you’ll enjoy the flashback or perhaps also if you have not ever seen this great scene.

Happy trails this week everybody.