2025 Season United Football League (UFL)

The UFL is throwing down cash for more office space? That is a sign that this thing has legs and as the VP for UFL relations at Fox - I will tell you that we have pretty high expectations for the Friday night football games on Fox.


The next time I see Superb Owl at the Shady Nest next week, and yes, I will be enduring another few rounds of Night Train because he insists, I’m going to share this great news with him and tell him about your promotion as well as about @laxtreme56 putting the deal together for the UFL.

What he doesn’t know can only help and won’t hurt anything at this point.

Pro gridiron football in the spring in the US is past the “research and early prototype” phase folks, so don’t say anything to him to screw this up.

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The UFL Forums are taking some heat from Birmingham TE Jace Sternburger regarding the addition of QB/WR Alex McGough;

I took a look at the original article;

I wouldn’t trust a word that this author says either lol


Ah yes, all those spring football fanboys and phonies can’t take a long ride off a short cliff somewhere soon enough. And Superb Owl will just watch too. At least we got rid of those bojacks and losers here.

They all need to to the way of the Bandits and the Vipers and the Stars too. Bad things happened to any of the small few fans of those Stars here in Philadelphia for example, but we can’t talk about that here.

As interest and bigger media coverage for the UFL increase, not without its own imperfections of course, I think we’ll have a whole lot more cohesive and accurate narrative than now from the fringes of the internet akin to in most social media about any given topic and various so-called “revelations” or that “breaking news” again.

90% of the time, “They just made that :poop: up,” but his is nothing new in all of human history.

Spare all those bojacks no mercy or lack of memory too, especially when they try to come around to grift later.


The Spring Football Season USA: Behold the Evidence Hidden in Plain Sight

On a winter night like this, look around you, and what could be at hand right now?
Now maybe not tonight, it’s a bit early for me here in late January, but how about in three weeks on the Friday after the Super Bowl? Or fine, the next Friday?

Hopefully we get there with the start of the season in due time. It’s still more than two months to the start of the season!


I am with you - but that monster of an NCAA tournament is a beast to deal with. Although it will be interesting to see what the numbers on Fox look like as the UFL Friday night Fox opening game of the season will be going head to head with the Friday night Sweet Sixteen games.


They took the article down and the author (also the admin of the UFLBoard Forums) deleted his Twitter account. Seems like he (or Chatgpt) might have made that quote up from thin air.

Apparently, this was his response to the criticism on twitter yesterday:

A friend of mine once said “Some people want to be sportswriters and some people just want the reputation of a sportswriter”


Apparently he didn’t get the message that he lives in that hole right now, for clearly people didn’t care about him and his made-up crap then or now.

His credibility in any attempt to be a professional is shot. That forum should take this as a hard signal to shore things up for good or ship out.

It looks like these fanboys like him are finally well on their way to social media hell and rightly so.


Looks like he closed up shop. I don’t doubt he got one or two threats but I don’t think that’s the reason he’s shutting the site down.


How much does anybody want to bet that this occasion was not the first time he used AI-generated stories to make crap up, which we knew those fanboys have been doing for years, which also former LOSER employees screwing around “working at home” at Sports Illustrated were outed as doing in 2023 and fired?!

That author’s name is trash forever.


chinese new year parade GIF


Here’s a related article, with a puff piece element in it as well (but Daniel Roberts and not Eric Fisher this time), along with the same disclosure at the bottom as noted for the previous post.

The article is otherwise heavily relevant and telling with regards to the aspirations of the NFL:

Indeed, the NFL was the last of the major U.S. men’s leagues to allow PE through the gates, and with more restrictive rules than the others. The NFL capped PE stakes at 10%, which several teams—including the Bills and Dolphins—have sold off in recent months. MLB (which was the first to welcome PE investors in 2019), the NBA, and the NHL each allow PE firms to own up to 30% of a team. The NFL was also resistant to betting partnerships for years.

Of course for the UFL, there is no such limit on the percentage of ownership by private equity, as imposed by the NFL on ownership of its teams.

And amongst other accomplishments restated in the UFL 4.0 as launched in 2024 for its first season, as noted in this excerpt were the early returns for the NFL for the sake of players.

Of course there are also those players in the UFL who formerly played in the NFL in a regular-season game that actually makes them former NFL players, and some of them are trying to go back, including even if it’s a short-term chance every November due to any given number of injury situations.

I’m not sure if the UFL counts these returning NFL players in this number of players going to the NFL from the UFL as well, for I don’t.

But we do get the idea here after merely one season all the same, for such progress was part of the plan by the NFL Godfather all along.

Brandon touts that 42 UFL players have gone on to the NFL, roughly 10% of the league. The UFL sees itself as a partner to the NFL, but not explicitly an NFL developmental league. “Listen, we are our stand-alone professional spring football league,” Brandon says. “However. We also know that 95 to 99 percent of our athletes’ goal is to eventually get back to the NFL if that opportunity arises. We are a league of opportunity. It’s very fulfilling, as I mentioned, for us to see these athletes achieve their goals, if that’s what they want to achieve.”


The league kicks off again in two months.

Now I wonder beyond the mention during the Super Bowl, especially since it’s on Fox this year, what the league does in February the run-up to play?

Or do they just drag their feet again like in past years and wait until March?

I think it’s a mistake to wait in modern times to not be present on a regular basis in front of fans, and here we are talking beyond merely social media on which promotion is drowned out by the massive volume as one also competes with Instagram and the like, especially for an entertainment offering that cashes in primarily via television and at the gate at some venues.


I’m hoping ESPN/ABC/Disney etc promotes the upcoming season during the Pro Bowl. Small possibility they mention the UFL during the “Ruffles Celebrity All-Star Game” amongst NBA festivities. There’s another opportunity during the “She Believes Cup” for women’s soccer.

FOX might promote the UFL during the Daytona 500

FOX could promote the UFL during the Grand Prix of Petersburg

We’ll see what happens though.


The final special teams roster slot has been filled! By a former CFL-er no less!


Oh well at least he’s moved on to a team that actual plays in a venue in the area where named, which the Pittsburgh Maulers never did in that awful failed experiment of Canton, Ohio!

Congratulations to Matt Mengel!

Personally I think that whole deal in Canton was simply part of the experiment for a new market in football country in Ohio as encouraged by the NFL, who ultimately paid for it anyway.

The trouble is that in reality, sports fans in Ohio already cling very tightly to their preferred teams, with some especially near the border who are fans of the Steelers and hate both the NFL teams in Ohio, when otherwise not cheering for Ohio State sports teams. They were not having it with some team not even from Pittsburgh playing in their backyard, and rightly so, because it was a seriously dumb :peach: idea that obviously did not work in a trash hub league.


:notes: Good times, bad times, you know I’ve had my share …

Ah memories and all that before we got here in 2024 and 2025!


So okay there is the new headquarters of the UFL in Arlington, Texas,
as announced last week as we know already,
and the training camps start on 27 February for a week of “onboarding” for what looks like four solid days of farting around after the “onboarding,” so what’s the league going to do for promotion, besides a promotion during the Super Bowl?
Or maybe also during the Daytona 500 too?


February 24-27th: Coaches Report for Training Camp
February 27th: Players Report to Training Camp
February 28th-March 2nd: Onboarding
March 3rd: Training Camp Begins
March 8th: Scrimmage/Joint Practices
March 15th: Scrimmage/Joint Practices
March 21st: Teams cut down from 66 to 50
March 28th: Kickoff


One minor thing they may have done is pay Forbes to do a story for them.


Longtime Alt-Football QB Luis Perez will be releasing his book “The Spring King” in March!

Should be pretty cool!


Good score @Tedtanium1976 - and as our boy @Paolo_X has been saying - look behind the curtain and see that the Godfather is actually the power behind the throne - If Fox is moving this to Friday nights that tells you a lot - and then expansion because it is cheap content.