2024 VGCC Standings Week 1

Congrats Schweinhund on a perfect week!

Wins - Loses - Aggregate - [Perfect Weeks]

  1. Schweinhund 4-0 +39 [1]
  2. Richard 3-1 +31
  3. BetweenTheGoalPost 3-1 +23
  4. D&P 3-1 +9
    . MackDavid 3-1 +9
    . Rumble_Blue 3-1 +9
    . PirRound 3-1 +9
    . JoeyT 3-1 +9
  5. usc4dav 2-0 +16
  6. FYB 2-2 +7
    . IllinoisGuy 2-2 +7
    . Mahalcflers 2-2 +7
    . CFLukb69 2-2 +7
    . LetsGoBlue 2-2 +7
    . PorkyPine 2-2 +7

  1. Abbey 2-2 -7
    . rider01.1 2-2 -7
    . WeGotTheCup 2-2 -7
    . On-the-Boulevard 2-2 -7
    . Narles 2-2 -7
    . SaskWatch 2-2 -7
    . Maaax 2-2 -7
    . Lestaf 2-2 -7
    . Tony 2-2 -7
    . GolfLegend 2-2 -7
    . dutch31 2-2 -7
    . CobTopher 2-2 -7
  2. Lukas_Bellemare 2-2 -23
    . GrumpyGord 1-1 0
    . Krisiun 1-2 -8
    . Tedtanium1976 1-3 -9
    . Squishy21 1-3 -9
    . Paul_Ste_Marie 1-3 -9
    . RoughGod 1-3 -9
    . Grover 1-3 -23
    . Jon 1-3 -23
    . MtnCat 1-3 -23
    . Rcon 1-3 -23
    . Prairiewolf77 1-3 -23
    . 306Jordan 1-3 -23
    . Crash 1-3 -23
    . Papazoola 1-3 -31
    . T44 1-3 -31
    . KingCrimson 1-3 -31
    . bobo82 0-4 -39
    . Ayc2112 0-4 -39
    . VolcanoMan 0-4 -39
    . BomberJunkie 0-4 -39
    . Softsac 0-4 -39
    . Hometown_Fan 0-4 -39
    . Arnie 0-4 -39
    . Esky 0-4 -39

Hope all is correct :slightly_smiling_face: Abbey
P.S. If anybody would like to tally the standings feel free to let me know.


This might be the only time I’m in the Top 3 all season :rofl:

I will revel in the glory!

Great job Schweinhund. That’s a great way to start the season.


I was gonna say, I’m enjoying this absolutely temporary status at #4 overall (tied with many others), which will probably be the highest I’ll ever be in this contest for the rest of the year. :rofl:


Sadly, mine looks absolutely correct, Abbey.



Thanks Jon for the add/editing of the title.


Qu’est-ce qui détermine les 2-2 à +7, les 2-2 à -7 ou les 2-2 à -23, etc?

You take the cumulative plus/minus of all games. For example, Montreal won 27-12 or by 15 points. If you picked Montreal you get a 1-0 and +15 for that game. If you picked Winnipeg you get a 0-1 and -15. Each week your cumulative score is tabulated for all games and rolls over week to week. The +/- number is the second tiebreaker after perfect weeks.

I’m practicing my French and therefore didn’t translate your question. Hopefully I answered it but let me know if I didn’t


Jon, how do I translate French to English?

Abbey, highlight the French quote, right-click on it, and click “Translate selection to English”.


Google translate is one way. On my phone it works automatically much of the time but not always. If you are at a PC or laptop you should be able to right click and then click on “translate to English” or vice versa if you want it to be translated from English to French. You can try “Swahili” if you are adventurous


Thanks SaskWatch - Jon’s response was helpful as well.


Please add me at 0-4

Thanks BTG, believe this was my first 4-0 week. I’ll savor the moment but chalk it up to Lady Luck and just went with all my hunches. Good luck everyone with week 2.


Très clair. Merci beaucoup!